It now dawned on Harry, however, that the cup of cold tea on which he had trodden that morning might not have been a booby trap at all. 然而,现在哈利开始认为那天早上他踩到的那杯凉茶也许根本就不是一个傻子的圈套。
The first flow limiting tube, the midpoint press and a cold trap are connected to the midpoint flow restrictor. 中点限流器上还接有第一限流管、中点压路和冷阱;
When they get cold, their fur bristles to trap body heat and keep them warm. 觉得冷的时候,毛就会竖起来封住体温,保持身子的温暖。
We suggest a novel trap of trapping a neutral atom with static electric field of four point charges, and discuss the quantum effects of the cold neutral atom in the trap. 用四个点电荷构造一个简单、新颖的静电势阱,并基于含时薛定谔方程和有限差分时间域方法,研究冷原子在该势阱中的量子力学效应。
I don't know you to escape the cold trap. 我逃逸不出你给的冷圈套。
Cold cesium atoms are obtained using magneto-optical trap ( MOT) technology. 利用磁光阱(MOT)技术获得了铯冷原子。
Optimal Mesh Arrangement in a Sodium Cold Trap 钠冷阱丝网布置的最优化分析
In the determination of trace mercury by cold atomic absorption spectrometry with gold trap of mercury method of digestion of microwave furnace and method of wet digestion were used for pretreatment of biological samples. 采用微波炉分解和湿法分解进行生物样品的预处理,结合高灵敏的金汞捕集冷原子吸收法测定了生物样品中的痕量汞。
It is composed of regenerator and the cold trap. 它由回热器和冷阱组成。
In this paper, the heat transfer of the gas in the spiral coil cold trap of the freeze dryer has been studied analytically. 从理论上分析了螺旋盘管式冻干机冷阱中气体的换热。
In this paper, Optimal mesh arrangement in a sodium cold trap is discussed. 本文主要讨论冷阱中丝网布置的优化问题。
In this paper, an experimental scheme of a controllable double-well optical trap for cold atoms ( molecules) is briefly introduced, and the fabrication method of a binary π-phase plate and the experimental results to generate a controllable double-well optical trap are reported. 简单介绍了实现冷原子或冷分子囚禁的可控制光学双阱的实验方案,报道了二元π相位板的制作方法及其产生可控制光学双阱的实验结果。
The regenerator is above the cold trap. 回热器位于冷阱的上部。
Sample treatment, sample storage, the cold trap temperature and the gas chromatography analysis method is discussed. 对样品处理、样品保存、浓缩吸附冷阱温度及气相色谱分析方法进行了讨论。
The effects of the temperature jump and the velocity slip on the heat transfer for the slip-flow regime in the cold trap of the freeze dryer are considered. 对真空冷阱中处于滑流区的气体换热,应考虑温度跳跃和速度滑移对换热的影响。
The paper introduced the influencing factors about the impact of the frozen speed, the early frozen temperature, the heating way and the cold trap temperature on the freeze-drying process, mainly on the freeze-drying time. 本文介绍冻结速率、初始冻结温度、加热方式和冷阱温度对冻干过程影响的单因素试验,试验分析了对冻干时间、冻干能耗的影响。
The Design and Commissioning of Cold Trap Purifying System of Hydrogen Meter Sodium Loop 氢计钠回路冷阱净化系统设计和调试
We report the basic idea and experimental demonstration of measuring the temperature of cold cesium atomic cloud confined in a magneto-optical trap ( MOT) by analyzing absorption spectrum observed in the short-distance time-of-flight ( TOF) method. 介绍采用短程飞行时间吸收谱测量铯原子磁光阱(MOT)中冷原子温度的基本原理及实验实现。
The O 2 ( 1 Δ) concentration, Cl 2 utilization rate and water content are measured using different injectors at different chlorine flow rate, cold trap temperature. 考察了三种具有不同孔径和孔数目的喷头、氯气流量和脱水冷阱温度等对JSOG出口的O2(1Δ)浓度、O2(1Δ)分压、氯利用率及水蒸气含量的影响。
【 Method 】 Volatiles of unripe and ripe apple fruits of different cultivars were analyzed by thermo-desorption and cold trap ( TCT) gas chromatography mass spectrometry ( GC-MS). Fruit aroma of different cultivars was studied. 【方法】利用热脱附-气相色谱-质谱联用技术(TCT-GC-MS)分别测定了苹果不同品种未成熟无香气和成熟有香气果实的挥发性物质,并对不同品种果实的香气成分进行了探讨。
Design and calculation of a φ 160 cold trap φ160冷阱的设计和计算
Many experimental conditions such as distillation, combustion, cold trap, treatment of apparatus and quantitative method have been studied. 实验中对蒸馏条件、冷阱形式、定量方法、器皿处理等各个环节做了大量实验研究。
An experimental study on the performance of freeze-dryer's cold trap has been carried out under different temperature of the cold trap coil and different frost thickness in the paper. 对影响冻干机冷阱传热性能的两个因素(冷阱盘管壁面温度和结霜厚度)进行了实验研究。
In order to adjust the flow easily, the cold trap purifying system is arranged in the exit of the electromagnetic pump. 为了调节流量的方便,冷阱净化系统布置在电磁泵的出口。
Quantum effects of cold atoms in electrostatic trap 冷原子在静电势阱中的量子力学效应
Gas Heat Transfer in the Cold Trap of the Freeze Dryer 真空冷冻干燥机冷阱中的气体换热分析
Experimental properties of cold atoms in a magnetooptical trap 磁光阱中冷原子的实验特性
The cold atoms in Magneto-Optical trap has many advantages, such as little effect by the environment, low velocity, high density. They have become the very important research object in the atomic and molecular physics. 磁光阱中超冷原子具有受外界影响小,速度低,密度高等优点,是原子分子物理研究领域中一个非常理想的研究对象。